Some of our favorite submissions from our recent giveaway

Every Mother's Day, we get to reflect on the amazing mothers in our lives who have nurtured and supported us in every way. Our recent Mother's Day Giveaway brought in a flood of heartwarming entries that left us feeling inspired and grateful. From touching stories of sacrifices made by mothers to their unwavering love and dedication, it's clear that there's no greater love than a mother's love. Our favorite submissions truly captured the essence of Mother's Day by celebrating the unbreakable bond between mothers and their family. We were touched by the overwhelming outpouring of love, and we hope that these stories will inspire you just as much as they did us.

""It's blackberry winter." That's what she would be saying right now with this cold snap after warm/hot weather when blackberries are finishing up their blooms.  I can't believe it's been 30 years since she died, long time to be without your mother and best friend. But she goes on every walk through the woods, hunting morels and marveling at the wildflowers. Thanks for giving me the love of nature and outdoors, Mama. It's no coincidence  many of my pictures of her were with a horse, she loved them and all animals. Going back to her very rural school girl days when she rode her pony to school. A school so rural it did not go beyond 8th grade!  I'm entering this contest in her honor and hope to come with my own daughter who enjoys the same love of nature and would enjoy the magic of historic Zapata.”

-Norma Fraser

“My Great Aunt Jane has filled a motherly role for me my entire life. She's one of those people that are genuine givers. Jane's super power is that she will fix any and everything around her. From the smallest jester to the most grand ones, quite literally she will give you the shirt off her back if you're in need. The world is brighter by her presence. The love she gives is the most unconditional love I've ever experienced. She's a strong-willed, kind, funny, Tennessee southern woman.”

-Mary Jane Ogles

“My mom is one of the coolest people I know. Flight attendant, barrel racer, chef, world traveler she’s done it all. She knows how to take care of everyone including any animal she crosses paths with. She’s strong and tough and so fricken stubborn at times but honestly mamma truly knows best.”

-Sydney Harrison

“Ginny - a West Texas rancher's daughter turned school teacher; a breast cancer survivor & now grandma to 4 grandsons. She is tough; she is stubborn; she can still work circles around most people I know. She is compassionate; she serves her community through her church. I have no doubt that all these attributes came from her ranch upbringing on the dusty, arid high plains of West Texas where her family scraped out a living through cattle & cotton. In a word, she is TENACIOUS....about her faith, with her love of her family, about doing what's right. How I'd cringe when my teenage ears would hear the words, "you're just like your mother!" Ugh!! As I've grown older, however, I see her strength from a clearer perspective.  In 1977 she was adventurous enough to uproot our family & move to the Middle East for my dad's petroleum engineer career. Us 3 kids were ages 8, 5 & 11 months. She always sees the good in even the worst of scenarios, especially when battling cancer. She pushed us kids to do our best. I am grateful for the role model she has been in my life!”

-Kelli Griffith

“My mom is Marty, an Indiana girl who got married and moved to Florida. Loves all horses, boat rides on lakes at sunset, and, most of all, when her family is all together. My favorite story of my mom goes back to 1982 when I was getting ready to graduate from high school in Delray Beach, Florida. Money was very tight and all the seniors were picking out class rings with their birthstones. I mentioned it once to my mom but knew there was no way. When the time came for my classmate's rings to arrive, I had one! Mom had saved, sold some things, and found a way to buy one for me. I've held onto it all these years.”

-Kerri Kerber

“My mom is Jacqueline. She is a patient, fierce and incredibly loving powerhouse of a woman. She’s a provider and protector of 3 children. A realtor by day and a damn good surfer by night (evening).”

-Naomi Valdez

“My mom was a treasure. I lost her just before the pandemic happened and I was living an actual nightmare, not having my mom and being told to stay home and isolate. I’ve missed her so much over the years, but I am so thankful for the memories I have of her.

My mom loved interior decor and design. She always made our houses into homes. Her creativity with the interior of a home was endless. From hand painted furniture to carefully sourced pillows, and unique thrifted treasures my home growing up has always felt like home because of her. When I lost her, I made the decision to go back to school for interior design to keep the memory of her legacy alive in myself.

My mom was a kind, caring, lovable and wickedly funny individual. The world somehow doesn’t shine as bright without her, but her memories shine bright in my soul forever.”

-Tatum Rosso

“My mothers name is Ruby, and she really IS a gem. She grew up on a ranch, doing all things “cowboy” (girl in her instance.) Mom has always loved the outdoors, working with the livestock, breaking horses, raising her children. Only recently did she quit milking cows, at my brother's insistence. She remains involved on the ranch, mostly telling stories and offering sage advice on how best to tend the livestock. Mom is now 82 and continues to be a pillar of strength, when she’s not driving us all insane with her silly antics.  Yes, she remains on the same ranch she was raised on and raised her family. As do two of her children. Spread out over a few hundred acres. But within a short two minute drive.”

-Mylinda White

“My mother, Carol Wharff, is coming up on 87 truly amazing years. While raising 6 kids, she managed to star in dozens of theater productions and musicals, travel to most of our 50 states, and  host hundreds of tea parties with her 15 grandchildren and 8 great-grandchildren. She loves sunshine, water, and jazz. She has her own style carefully crafted across most of a century. Her wisdom is built on a foundation of curiosity and tolerance that should be the envy of all who seek perfect balance.”

-Wendy Brewer

“My mum is not special. Not in a universal sense. She’s a human on this planet bulging with 8 billion other humans, and in this picture she’s a guest on horseback, one in a string.

Since I can remember, mum has picked me flowers. It became a ritual whenever I would return home (from school, a weekend away, from six months in South America) to find her flowers in a vase on my desk. Sometimes a single stem, sometimes a lush bundle. I love flowers, almost as much as I love horses, and these petaled offerings were always recognizable as a token of love--- a, ‘I saw something beautiful and I want to give it to you’."

-Molly Marquand

"My mom is so amazing. She is such a portrait of a strong woman to me - she is hardworking and incredibly smart, while also being protective, thoughtful, caring, and creative. And she’s this way to her human babies and animal babies! She never backs down and looks challenges square in the eye, and I’ve seen her do so many amazing things: earn her PhD and teach as a tenured professor at the University of Texas, raise four children, tend to cattle, horses, dogs, kitties, and land, all while making sure we ate (delicious!) home-cooked meals almost every night growing up. Out of everything I’ve been able to watch her do, that last thing might be the one that I appreciate the most - what brought us as a family around the table every night growing up, so I could know my family, really know them, and love them, and still love them today. I love you, mom!! You’re amazing and I’m so thankful for you and all that you do."

-Sydney Collie


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