Our Locations

Ranchlands currently manages four properties in Texas, New Mexico, Wyoming, and Montana.

Paintrock Canyon Ranch, Wyoming

Ranchlands purchased the Paintrock Canyon Ranch in 2021. It is the headquarters of our operations and the first ranch we have ever owned. The ranch is named for Paintrock Creek, which is born on the western slopes of 13,165-foot Cloud Peak, the highest point in Wyoming's Bighorn Mountains, and then rushes many miles through a deep limestone canyon. At the foot of this canyon, the trout-rich creek breaks out into the Bighorn Basin at about 5000 feet, and into the holdings of Paintrock Canyon Ranch, in a lovely setting of broad hay meadows fringed by red sandstone cliffs.

experience paintrock

Frying Pan Ranch, Texas

Located in the epicenter of cattle country in the Texas panhandle, the Frying Pan is also home to a commercial Beefmaster cow-calf herd. This ranch is excellent for raising replacement females to ensure they get a good start to their productive life. Its rolling country receives an average of nineteen inches of rainfall, making it one of the most productive grasslands that Ranchlands grazes. In concert with the ranch owners, Ranchlands will develop the ranch into a state of the art grazing range that will emphasize ecological health by building a high volume livestock water system.

MP Ranch, New Mexico

The MP, located in the rocky juniper pinon hills of central New Mexico cattle country, is the home a Beefmaster-cross commercial cow-calf herd bred entirely by the Ranchlands beefmaster bull battery. The calves produced on the ranch are grazed as yearlings and replacement females in good years, or shipped to another property that has ample feed during dry times. Ranchlands and the ranch owners are developing the ranch water infrastructure to be able to amalgamate the herds to increase rest and biodiversity through better grazing.


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