More Bird Food

A great example of the relentless pursuit of food by birds, in this case a Western Kingbird and a cactus dodger type of cicada (Cacamas sp). This cicada was securely in the kingbird’s mouth but as I slowly drove closer to get in range for a photograph the kingbird opened its mouth and the cicada tried to escape. A meal this size is prized so the kingbird went after the cicada and successfully recaptured the cicada and maneuvered it head first so it would slide down more easily. Often birds will first remove wings and heads of insects first before swallowing.

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Learning the Craft of Chap Making

Mike Giordano refines every detail of his batwing chaps—cut for movement, built for the brush, and stitched to withstand the demands of ranch life. 

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yearly goodbye

and now the cranes have gone onbut their wings stretch here still,in this heart now the cranes have gone onbut on early mornings I see life through eyes as theirs,...

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