The Tanager that is not a Tanager
One of the most beautiful birds in North America is called Western Tanager, a bird breeding in Colorado mountains, but not on the plains, and as the name implies, it...
One of the most beautiful birds in North America is called Western Tanager, a bird breeding in Colorado mountains, but not on the plains, and as the name implies, it...
This mammal is common on the Chico but it is only seen in warmer months hibernating from late July until the end of April so its life is mostly spent...
When in a stoop, Peregrine Falcon is faster than any other land or sea animal including cheetahs, traveling at speeds clocked at over 175 mph.
The name is deceiving in that Magnolia Warbler in a northern species breeding mostly in Canada and northern U.S. and […]
Marsh Wren is a secretive winter visitor to the larger Chico marshes where they are heard more often than seen.
This is a very common Chico species but unfortunately there was a major outbreak last spring and summer and as a result many of the young green ash trees were...
This species is a favorite of duck hunters and chefs and males weigh and average of 2.75 pounds. Chico birds are on their way north, a flock of about 30...
This introduced species is now found in most of the U.S. and Canada except in the southeastern states. In spring the red bare skin around the pheasants’ eyes becomes engorged...
Formerly called Whistling Swans, Tundra Swans are very rare on the Chico but five were present on 5 March, three adults (right) and two immature birds (left).
botDeer bot fly adults are thought to be the fastest flying insect, capable of speeds up to 40 mph.
Barn Owls are in a different family than the true owls with longer legs and serrated middle toes.
The small, long-legged owl with white eyebrows and bright yellow eyes who lives in ground burrows is called Burrowing Owl. Unlike the resident owls in the southern parts of their...
Finally a bird name that describes the bird to a “T”, that is until they molt and loose their cinnamon coloration.
In Colorado there are three ducks with teal for a last name, Cinnamon Teal, Blue-winged Teal, and Green-winged Teal.
Local birder Bill Maynard takes us through some highlights of birding at the Chico in 2016.