The Ranchlands Podcast #23

Nancy Fishbein

This is a special episode featuring a live conversation and Q&A with Nancy Fishbein, who serves as Director of Resilient Lands for the Colorado Chapter of The Nature Conservancy. This was recorded as part of Ed's 2022 Zapata Ranch workshop, also known as the Strenuous Life Retreat. Ed originally released this conversation as an episode of his other podcast, Mountain & Prairie, but we felt that it was also a perfect fit for the Ranchlands Podcast, so we’re happy to share it with you here.

Our Guest

Nancy Fishbein is the Director Resilient Lands for the Colorado Program of The Nature Conservancy. Nancy’s team is responsible for protecting and stewarding critical lands across the state, as well as ensuring the Chapter’s alignment with the land protection goals of TNC’s Shared Conservation Agenda, including building a network of resilient and connected landscapes. Nancy has served on the Colorado Conservation Easement Oversight Commission and on the board of the Colorado Coalition of Land Trusts. Prior to joining The Nature Conservancy in 1991, Nancy worked at the Adirondack Park Agency in upstate New York, where she also owned and operated an outdoor guiding business. Her first job in Colorado was as an environmental educator at the Keystone Science School. Nancy holds an MS in Natural Resource Policy from the University of Michigan’s School of Natural Resources and a BA in Environmental Studies from Middlebury College. 

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